The One Investment That Matters More than Any Other

No, it’s not Tesla or Bitcoin

A. T. Micalizzi
5 min readJan 21, 2022
Photo by Tyler Raye on Unsplash

For complete transparency in what this article will be about, I’ll spoil the answer right initially.

The answer is YOU.

Hold on, don’t click away just yet. The answer may seem trivial or self-explanatory, but it isn’t.

The reality is that we live in a society that promotes gambling and get-rich schemes over long-term growth. Everyone wants instantaneous fame and fortune without the work. Far too many spend their lives wondering what went wrong. Why do so many reach the height of success when you’re scraping by?

Investing in yourself is hard work. It’s not taught, and our society largely ignores the possibilities of doing so. It’s the key to unlocking the future you desire.

One Game Changed Everything

When I was 15 years old, a small Japanese game called Fortune Street came out for the Nintendo Wii system. It was an old game rereleased with Final Fantasy and Mario Brothers characters. A fan of both franchises, my friends and I eagerly got the game. It wasn’t an adventure game but rather a Monopoly-style game.

The game worked like Monopoly, where you roll dice, collect money, buy property, and charge the other…

